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School Site Council (SSC)

Are you looking to get involved and help improve student achievement or just want to know more about the efforts underway at our school? Then please attend the monthly School Site Council (SSC) meeting.

Check the main school calendar for specific dates and agendas. 

School Calendar

The Manzanita SSC is composed of the School Principal, parents, school staff, and faculty. The main responsibility of the SSC is to oversee the development of the SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement), monitor its achievements, and make recommendations for necessary changes. One additional contribution from the SSC is the SELLS ( Site English Language Learner Subcommittee) among others.

Why Is the School Site Council Important?

  • Provides school staff members, parents, community members, and students a voice in maintaining and improving achievement
  • Oversees the annual budget of categorical funding for our school site
  • Reviews student academic data
  • Consults with other parent groups about the SPSA
  • Recommends school safety plan

For more in-depth information regarding the SSC committee please view the training bellow: